About Me

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Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
My blood consist of: Arabian,Malay and Chinese. I enjoy singing and dancing. I love art& beauty. I love classic and vintage thinggy.I love poem and creates one. I would love to reading book too,such as a wisdom book or any motivation book. I dont play any social networking except blogger. I love self treatment,some useful tricks and tips for my life.Sometimes I would like to express myself in here.I would like to write down some review about my life, or any else. One thing: I always feel blessed. Feel it everyday and stay happy! I hope I can inspired u eventho it is a lil thing. Hope U enjoy my blog.I always wish U have a great day there and remember U can't always got what U want but at least GOD have giving u a beautiful chance to smell a beautiful rose! Kiss, chiaki

Well, as I explain before in my previous post about the honey mask ( I hope U read that,before U jump on here) I was curious about how this mask really actually work in my face.and for me this mask is the fresh raw ingredients and no additives and preservatives are added.

Its really good in helping to control my Oily face, to cure the acne and make it dry so fast,fade the acne scars and moist my face without feeling greasy :) plus it even help me to make my pores getting smaller. Amazing, right?

Honey contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and is a wonderful beauty aid that nourishes the skin.It's also a strong anti-inflammatory agent that prevents infections and reduces the existing ones when applied on problem or sensitive skin type. This natural healing agent contains an enzyme called glucose oxidase, that when combined with water, produces hydrogen peroxide, a mild antiseptic. In addition to the glucose oxidase enzyme, honey also contains antioxidants and flavonoids that may function as antibacterial agents.

The cons,
it takes long time and great patience to see how it works..1 or 2 pimples sometimes can show up, but it will disappear really fast. and it might feel gross when U apply it on your face.

If u have heavy acne, I suggest U to do the ritual everyday, but me myself, even tho my acne not really that worst, I always excited to apply it everyday :)

Honey also can react as anti aging. Throughout the centuries, legendary beauties like Cleopatra and Poppea, wife of Roman Emperor Nero have used raw honey as part of their skin and hair care treatments to keep them looking youthful. Because I don't wanna look flaky and look older than it should, so for me, its a big lost if I skip this ritual!

Aah forget to tell u,at previously post, I didn't adding about the cinnamon powder, Well u should try it with the cinnamon powder hun. with 2 tbs. Mix all together then apply it for 1 hour.

So here I'm gonna show u the pic before (without editing , powder and excuse the light) I hope it can help U to see the difference

The right side
Take on 25 April

After (25 May)

The left side

Before (25April)

After (25May)

I'm so HAPPY!!!!!
And thx for the info to that site who inform me, how it actually work amazingly and Aiyoh who gimme the advice being patient to this magic ingredients. Now I'm so confidence to out with my own face without applying any make up~

Excuse again with my sleepy eyes.. :p

Well, this mask not only for people who have prob with their skin but the use of makeup on our face also could clog the pores of the skin, preventing carbon dioxide inside our body from coming out and fresh oxygen from entering the skin. This causes the skin to lose its glow and attractiveness. Try the honey mask babe, U will surprise how it can help your skin feel even better~

So now do it on yourself. Grab the bowls and try it!
And tell me how it works with u after one month ;p


  1. xbbkay said...
    wow, incredible results. i love this mask as well. it makes me skin so smooth. congrats!
    Rica's world said...
    ceceeeee it's sooo amazingggg... ^.^
    Belen said...
    What a great suggestion! I will have to try this out. Thanks for following my blog! I am now following urs :)
    Keep up the great work u have a fantastic blog!

    nisa said...
    waahhh kereeennn bener2 ilang ya bekas2 jerawatnya :)

    aku dulu jg rajin bikin honey mask bwt ngilangin bekas jerawat...emg ampuh bgt ^___^ tp skrng males bikin honey mask niihhh :'(
    Kristie said...
    thanks so much for sharing. I'm definitely going to have to try this. My skin has been acting up so bad lately.
    Dilla said...
    ih waw keren banget sis :D
    itu kayaknya bisa reduce scar juga ya?
    Chiaki in here said...
    Thx for all of u and Glad u love this review ;P

    bisa sis..worth to try kok :)
    Dilla said...
    oia sis, itu lemon nya bisa di subtitute dengan jeruk nipis gak ya?
    soalnya susah cari jeruk lemon..
    Chiaki in here said...
    Justru aku pake jeruk nipis yur..
    3 tetes uda cukup kok :)
    ashley said...
    awesome sis! :O
    hrs coba! aku ga jerawatan sih, tp pori2ku raksasa, jelek bgt deh pokoknya :(
    beda khasiat pake lemon/jeruk nipis dgn pake cinnamon powder apa?
    Chiaki in here said...
    @sis ashley
    bagus ini sis buat ngecilin pori2,yang jeruk nipis itu untuk memutihkan dan menghaluskan kulit serta memperkecil pori-pori sedangkan cinnamon nya itu lebih membantu ke jerawat.
    Kayu manis ini sifatnya agak pedes jadi kalo mau masker pake kayu manis, di usahakan di ruangan bre AC, plus jeruk nipis nya juga jangan banyak ya sis. 3 tetes juga da ckp :)
    Marissa said...
    Definitely going to try this out!!!
    The results look so good~
    Chiaki in here said...
    Ys U MUST try these darling :)
    U will love it
    its simple love said...
    HOLY COW! I need to try this. Thank you for sharing!

    K said...
    I love this mask too! thanks for share
    Risa said...
    Wow..impressed with the results! Thanks for sharing! =)
    iheartkorea said...
    OMG! It looks so good, I want to try it :)
    ysababy323 said...
    i am so excited to try it out
    Unknown said...
    Whoaa..your skin looks superb! Since aspirin mask didn't go very well on my skin, I think honey mask is a must try :) How often we should use it?
    sirisha said...
    hiee!!! Could you please tell me which king of honey should i use.. or it doesnt matter as long as it is honey ?? please reply soon :)
    LynSire said...
    Wow! Those are some nice results! Thanks for sharing, I'll try it too :)

    Anonymous said...
    So is it only takes honey and 3 drops of lemon juice to make this mask, or do we need any other ingredients?
    Really excited to try this ^^
    Chiaki in here said...
    its better wild honey from the honey field in the forest :)
    thats work on me :)
    Chiaki in here said...
    I applied this everyday to get this result tho :)
    Laura Angelia said...
    I want to ask..

    U said, "Well u should try it with the cinnamon powder hun. with 2 tbs."

    what's tbs sis??

    Btw, did u mix the honey, lemon & cinnamon together?? or u just mix the honey with each one of them day by day?

    and if it really works for you, why u still go to Kusuma dear?

    U have a really great & totally helpful blog.. =)

    Thanks for sharing ^^
    Chiaki in here said...
    @Laura Angelia
    Hey dear..Welcome to my world *hug* and thanks for visiting :)

    tbs means 2 sendok makan

    I mix altogether and I applied it on my face...

    I go to KUSUMA again to make my face more perfectly glowing and healthy :)

    I just feels like only the "honey soldiers" is not enough if I want to have the perfectly natural skin without foundation touch because being honest me myself not really comfortable to use foundation on my face even go to the PARTY, I prefer use moisturizer and powder only :)

    and U know,we all never satisfied with our own skin and always try to have the best skin if we can afford to :p

    well,I hope I can inspire you a bit at least :P

    Have a good day babe


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